A recent survey by The Carers Trust and the Men’s Health Forum, reveals the experiences and needs of male carers.

More than four in ten (42%) of the UK’s unpaid carers are male, dispelling the stereotype that caring is a female issue.

In 2014 Carers Trust and the Men’s Health Forum carried out research to find out more about the experiences and needs of male carers and to help raise awareness of the fact that male carers may not be getting the support they need.

The report found that:

  • More than one in four male carers in employment would not describe or acknowledge themselves as a carer to others, meaning they may not get the support they need at work;
  • Over half of the male carers (53%) surveyed felt that the needs of male carers were different to those of female carers, many citing that men find it harder to ask for help and support and that balancing work and caring is challenging, particularly if they are the main earner.

The survey also found that:

  • One quarter (26.3%) of men surveyed cared for more than 60 hours per week and worked;
  • Four in ten male carers said that they never had a break from their caring role;
  • 56% of male carers aged 18-64 said being a carer had a negative impact on their mental health and 55% said that their health was “fair or poor”;
  • Male carers not working due to their caring role, or who are unemployed felt especially isolated.

Male carers under 65 in England are also more likely to visit their GP than the rest of the male population, visiting four times per year – but despite this their health is often still poor and many are not identified as being male carers and so do not get support.

Visit Carers Trust for further information about this report.

Carers Bucks provides a regular group for Male Carers which meets at various locations in Bucks. Contact Carers Bucks on 0300 777 2722 for further details.